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About Us


Love is the most powerful force in the universe, healing and protecting!

"Z = Protection, Earth and Health

U = Intelligence, Confidence, and Success

M = We, World, Dream and Prayer"

Basing on numerous years of hard work and help to other people, Zuliya has created a unique collection of charms, talismans, protection charters for all life occasions. Each of Zuliya's crafted product is truly unique. Considering and knowing the needs and requests of the people, she herself personally designed, crafted and programed every talisman for effective help in the different life matters and in business. In the Modern World, which is literally saturated with negative energy - it is very important to keep positive thinking and a positive mindset. Zuliya truly believes that everyone can and should try to help themselves. And this will be the most effective and fastest help!

Being Happy is a Choice, and that Choice is available for Everyone!

All the Boundaries of each person's Universe, are limited only by their own awareness and perception. Zuliya has made a special section of this site - Tips from Zuliya. Anyone can read articles and download prayers for all occasions and simply make their Choice Just to be Happy!!!


Our thoughts run in circles, keeping the soul awake.

Time rules in this world, immersed as a dream

Sit down one day and listen, what does your soul want?

We so often do not listen to our souls, we are always in a hurry...

So often we are tied by our worries, forgetting even to breathe,

And happiness, it's just around the corner - look closer, it's up to you to decide!