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Hair is a kind of natural antenna

Hair is a kind of natural "antennas" of our body, which conduct the invisible life-giving force of space to the body and back. Hair can tell for us how we feel, what state our internal organs are in, and especially the hormonal system, the most important in a woman's physical health. The hair also shows the female state. Hair is the source of our cosmic Power, and everything that happens to them changes the course of the invisible river of our life. Therefore, modern master hairdressers advise: if you want changes, change your hairstyle or at least your hair color.

Cutting your hair is always a step towards changing your life. This is a kind of signal to the Universe about the thirst for change. In the old days, only people who were in a state of mental shock voluntarily and even with joy cut their hair, following the Old Testament prescription in sadness to "renounce hair and throw everything evil on them", for example, to get rid of an incurable disease, to be spiritually reborn, to be cleansed from sins.

Women's hair was never cut short. Because it was equivalent to cutting off a woman from the source of energy. Today, choosing short haircuts, we, one way or another, weaken our internal source. And this is important to know. The ideal hair length is below the point in the center of the chest.

For women, a beautiful hairstyle is also a reflection of "order in the head". Hence, the ancient rituals are not accidental, when a woman combed her hair for a long time and carefully every day before going to bed. With the help of a comb, she removed any negative and relaxed the body. And when the body is relaxed, it is already a good guarantee of the female state that we all dream of.

It was recommended to wear as long hair as possible. Taking care of them, a woman performs austerities, and all her problems remain in her hair, but when she gets a haircut — she pushes the problems inside. The hair contains shakti, the feminine energy. Therefore, a woman could not be allowed to touch her hair to anyone except her husband and father.

Also in the old days, it was not recommended to wear bangs so as not to close their purpose. To lower your hair on your forehead is to overshadow your own way of life with clouds.

In Russia, a long braid as thick as an arm was considered a symbol of female beauty. Married women protected their hair. Because it was believed that the energy and well-being of the home are stored in the female braid. It is not by chance that for this reason, the barbarians during the invasion of Russia first tried to grab the prince's wife and cut off her braid, thereby depriving the prince and even the city itself, where the princess and her husband ruled.

At the same time, in the times of ancient Russia, girls from childhood had their hair braided into one three – beam braid, which symbolized the unification of vital forces-the present, the past and the future. The braid was located along the spine and it was believed that all the bright Universal forces through the hair pass into the spine and fill the body, Soul and Spirit of the girl with special vitality, preparing her for the future mission of her spouse and mother.

When a girl got married – her hair was loosened and two braids were braided instead of one. One is to hear the voice of God, the second is to hear the Kind of man, his truth, to perceive the energies and to his Share, to support him energetically with your strength.

A pregnant woman was gathering strength not for her husband, but for herself and for her unborn child. Perhaps this is where the custom came from — not to cut your hair during pregnancy, not to deprive your unborn child of energy support…

Always a married Woman's hair was covered — so that the energy went only to the family, so as not to bring someone else's envy, anger and other negative things on the tips of her hair to her home. Hair was rarely worn loose. Because it was considered that such a scattering of energy is unsafe. The women monitored the level of their fullness. Therefore, they let their hair down only in front of their husband and in exceptional cases in public.

The rest of the time, the hair was put in bunches, braided into braids. Because the task of a man is to protect the family from external encroachments on the physical level, and a woman's task - (she is in the sphere of the unknown, something that cannot be seen in reality and touched with her hands) - is to protect the family from the energy impact, from other people's dashing and uninvited views, from trouble that accidentally wandered into the house.

Long, loose hair was often worn by witches-knowing women. One of the reasons for hair loss was the connection with the energies of the elements. The witch twisted the energy funnel with her hair and thereby connected to the force of Nature.

It is important for modern women not just to get acquainted with the rituals of antiquity, but to skillfully use them to their advantage today, for example:

- Do not get a haircut before important events that you have been waiting for for a long time, so as not to interfere with the course of fate.

- Always monitor the condition of the hair, comb it daily. And not in a hurry, but with a feeling, while combing, pronouncing positive affirmations.

- From time to time, take your hair in a ponytail or braid. At least in order to save your strength. It is useful not to let your hair down when you go to a place with a large crowd of people – markets, hospitals, shopping centers.

- Hair, tied in a low bun, develops in a woman such a quality as meekness. A "high" tail or a bundle adds activity and adds strength.

- If the hair falls out, it is important and necessary to work with the Genus. Because the task of "kosm" is also to feed us with generic energy. For a woman, most often hair loss is a problem with men and a father.

- Treat your hair as a priceless gift. If you let your hair down in front of your beloved man, then do it with a feeling of being like a goddess.

- Remember that by restoring your hair and caring for it, you help abundance to come to your home.

- If you are tormented by constant ailments and loss of strength – grow your hair.

- If you want to get an answer to your question or sign, before going to bed, braid a braid and go to bed. In the morning, untie your hair and go about your business. The answer will come.

- Know that when a woman keeps her hair in order, wears it as long as possible, takes care of it, she receives female energy and protection. She usually has a well-developed intuition.

696 09/06/2021