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What do your preferences in flowers say

"Pay attention to what shades your life is colored with. It's never too late to paint your world with bright colors! The main thing is to solve the internal problem and never return to it again!"

©Zulia Radzhabova

Each of us has our own favorite colors. We choose shades according to our taste in clothing, interior, household items and so on. Psychic Zulia Radzhabova claims that the choice of color speaks about the inner state of a person's soul.

Each color emits a certain energy. Choosing a particular color, a person unconsciously makes a choice in favor of those shades that are close to his inner state.

Turn around: what colors surround you, what colors do you like and choose? According to Zulia Radzhabova, preferences in the color scheme can tell a lot about your state of mind.

Red color is chosen by people who lack warmth, support, love and care. This color gives them a sense of security and confidence.

Orange color is loved by those who feel the need for new sensations and emotions. The energy of this color gives a sense of joy and satisfaction with life.

The yellow color indicates a person's need for growth and development. Fans of yellow want self-affirmation and an increase in social status. If you are attracted to this color, then this is a signal that it's time for you to change something in your life. Probably, your life is at a certain standstill, and you just need changes.

Green and pink colors indicate that a person needs love and understanding. If you are attracted to these colors, then most likely you are confused in yourself and your thoughts. Don't take everything to heart and be more confident.

The blue color indicates the need for self-expression. If you love this color, it means that you are striving for self-realization and recognition. For fans of the blue color, the psychic Zulia Radzhabova advises to complain less about life and to vent their negative emotions with the help of creativity.

Blue and white colors indicate a person's desire to know the world around him. People who choose these colors want to grow spiritually.

Black is the color of change. Those who choose it are not happy with everything that is happening around them. They are waiting for changes and a new stage in their lives.

The brown color symbolizes stability. If you are attracted to this color, then you lack confidence and firmness. You are looking for protection and peace of mind. The material world is important to you and you strive for comfort.

If you do not have any special preferences in colors, then your inner state can be called harmonious.

699 20/05/2021