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What does it mean to see yourself in a dream?

"Every dream warns us about something or predicts future events. That is why it is so important to analyze your night dreams every time."

© Zulia Radzhabova

Psychic Zulia Radzhabova told in her blog about the interpretation of dreams. According to her, it is often difficult for people to interpret dreams in which they see themselves in different situations and images. It is necessary to interpret such dreams only taking into account the general atmosphere of the dream and everything that happens in it. So, what does it mean to see yourself in a dream?

To see yourself pregnant in a dream. If a young girl had such a dream, it means that mutual love is waiting for her. If a woman of age saw herself pregnant in a dream – this is a bad sign. In this case, she needs to pay attention to her health.

See yourself naked in a dream. This dream promises to receive a valuable gift in the future. It can also mean an unexpected offer or good news.

To see yourself beautiful in a dream. If a girl sees herself beautiful in a dream, then according to Zulia Radzhabova, this is a good sign. Often such dreams precede a meeting with the second half and the beginning of a new relationship.

To see yourself in a dream as a woman. If a man in a dream saw himself in the image of a woman – then this is a happy omen of success. If, on the contrary, a woman sees herself as a man in a dream, then she is waiting for failures.

To see yourself dead in a dream. Psychic Zulia Radzhabova claims that this is one of the most sinister dreams. It means that a person is waiting for major troubles or changes for the worse.

To see yourself as a bride in a dream. If you dream of yourself as a bride, then soon expect a valuable gift or inheritance. According to Zulia Radjabova, this interpretation applies only to young women. If a lady of age saw herself as a bride, then she will have a lot of troubles and problems in the family.

See yourself as a child. This dream foreshadows a meeting or a common cause with an unreliable and windy person, from whom a large number of problems will arise in life. If you see yourself as a child in a dream, then in no case do not trust those people who have not yet earned your good attitude.

To see yourself gray-haired in a dream. The meaning of this dream is bad. If you turned gray in a dream, then in reality you are waiting for quarrels and scandals in the family, which can lead to a break in relations.

578 05/06/2021