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The only female exorcist

Zulia Radzhabova, known for winning the Battle of Psychics, with the help of her extraordinary abilities, a psychic detective of the mystical series based on real events "Psychics conduct Investigations" (TNT channel) - in connection with public activities and personal preference, she is closely connected and has been working for more than 10 years in the direction of creation and peace with all denominations of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism! For all monoistic religions preach love, goodness and peace!

At meetings, they share their knowledge, experience, think about how to make the world a better place!

"It is impossible to divide people into statuses , eye shape, castes and groups, religions, skin color, nations! We are ALL people - "humanity", which means we are united!" - Zulia Radzhabova.

The church has a negative attitude towards psychics!

Zulia Radzhabova "not a psychic" - won the program called "Battle of Psychics", and Zulia herself does not consider herself a psychic!

She is one of the seven initiates, the only female exorcist, has the official Blessing of the Orthodox Healer Church, certificates, degree and seal of an exorcist. Her gift of "perspicacity" was blessed in Sinai (Israel) and officially recognized by the representatives of the Church!

Zulia Radjabova has traveled to all the Holy Places of the World! She studied herself for a long time together with academicians and priests (she has many awards, certificates, studies).

All her activities, she is always at the Temple! She is a winner, recognized as the best ex-detective in Russia, known in many other countries, the author of many interesting books, the only woman exorcist in our century - but not a psychic!

"Among modern people, there are individuals who are able to really help, using supersensible perception. And you need to distinguish them from scammers!"

406 20/05/2021