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People create causes with their thoughts, motives and actions

People create causes with their thoughts, motives and actions, these causes generate consequences, and these consequences affect the future life of people.

Folk proverbs say: "What you sow, you will reap", "He who sows the wind will reap the storm".

These proverbs briefly and very accurately reflect the meaning of the Law of Karma.

People create the causes of suffering for themselves in their past incarnations by making others suffer.

Karma is a very fair Law, it rewards everyone with its own. Karma controls the incarnations of people and the interrelation of their destinies.

The destinies of people are very closely interrelated. Meetings and contacts in our life are not accidental, they happen to those people whom we knew intimately in our past incarnations. The destinies of people are often intertwined in a very bizarre way.

Two people in one of the lives can be husband and wife, in the next incarnation they can already meet as mother and son or as father and daughter, in the subsequent ones-just as friends. Once again, they may not meet at all if they are embodied in different centuries. Once they may even be two brothers or sisters, a mother and daughter, or a father and son. This is possible, since our gender changes periodically, although the soul itself, as a substance of God, has no gender.

Once the soul has received all possible experiences, it will play enough and will want to return to Its true Home forever, so that it will no longer be reborn and incarnate. Then the soul asks the Father-God to return it Home, to the Absolute.

Thus, God in the form of a God-Man (a perfect Teacher) comes to the Earthly plane and points the Way Home for all the souls who have played enough and are ready to return. When the student is ready, the Teacher comes into his life.

The inner conscious journey of the soul Home is even more exciting and interesting than staying in the Matrix.

503 09/06/2021