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Nature records three types of actions on our account

Nature records three types of actions on our account.

The first type is well known to us. These are the ACTIONS that we do with the help of our physical body. They can be positive or negative. We know that if we commit a negative act, we will have to suffer as a result of it. If we do something worthy, then we will receive a reward that will be for our benefit, and we understand this.

The second type of action is what we SAY or HEAR from other people. This also has an impact on us, and we will have to pay for our worthy and negative words, for our praise, criticism, slander, lies and everything else. These are also actions for which we must pay according to karmic bills.

The third type of action is our THOUGHTS. Our thoughts are also considered as performing actions. Any thought, positive or negative, is carefully recorded and imprinted in space once and for all. The recording device of nature has such precise tools that any thought that has not even yet taken the form of a thought, but is only a vibration that is in your higher device on the causal or astral plane and has not yet reached your body, mind and intellect, is carefully recorded, even if it has changed subsequently.

These three planes - physical, astral and causal-are very closely intertwined and interconnected! What happens on the causal plane affects this physical world, and what we do in the physical world reaches the causal plane.

So we have to deal with all kinds of actions - in thoughts, words and deeds. And we must be very careful when choosing the direction in which we are going

460 05/06/2021