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Not the female passions of Zulia Radzhabova

Shooting is a noble sport and an exciting hobby of Zulia!

"A reverent attitude accompanies the weapon, perhaps, from the very moment of its appearance! They are afraid of weapons, they revere them, they admire them. If at first the weapon was used mainly against the enemy, today it plays another, much more humane role - the role of sports equipment! I know about the history of small arms firsthand, the advantages of each type of weapon! I am often given weapons, daggers, checkers - I have a collection collected from different countries! I often give important recommendations on how to make each shot accurate and predictable, which weapon is better, and which is worth buying!"

©Zulia Radzhabova

The winner of the Battle of Psychics, Zulia Radjabova, has an award for shooting from a combat weapon! She broke the records of accuracy in shooting among instructors. The best psychic of the Russian Federation is ready to defend the Motherland!

Zulia is also trained in air transport management...Photo report later!

515 09/06/2021