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The energy of resentment

Let's talk today about the energy of resentment.

Resentment is an element that manifests itself on Earth in everyone who has an Ego.

Initially, there is no such energy in the human body. It is always turned on when the dignity of the Ego is infringed on to one extent or another.

Energetically, the element of Resentment consists of several energies that can manifest in a person in the form of the following psychological qualities:

- egocentricity
- conceit
- pride
- depression
- significance
- infringement

And at the same time, the manifestation of these qualities by a person — attracts the element of Resentment.

Resentment can lead to a violation of oxidative processes in the lungs, which in turn leads to bronchitis, and, with aggravation, to pneumonia.

Insults can serve as a reason for violations in various energy centers of a person.

Resentment is neutralized by the energy of Kindness and Love, since the state of Love is a state outside the Ego. The information that causes Offense is modified as a person's awareness progresses.

The same information can not offend a person when he is in a state close to meditative, and cause a strong offense when a person is "on" social egoistic energies. The constant desire of a person to be aware of himself, to be aware of the games against his "great" Ego and not to fall for them, can help to get out of the influence of this energy.

If the reaction of resentment still turns on, observe it, contemplate it, but do not make it a reason for action. Strive for a state when you are inaccessible to the energy of Resentment.

393 01/06/2021