12 причин, которые мотивируют нас идти вперёд
1. As long as we live, nothing is impossible.
Life gives us complete freedom of action and opportunities, which we are obliged to use in various ways to achieve success. There will be no opportunities only when we are not there.
2. Learn to see beyond your nose.
If something doesn't work out the first time, then this is not a reason to give up. Something comes with time, something requires experience, so in order to achieve something, you need to work hard and "fill your cones".
3. Strength is a trait of everyone.
Each person is strong in his own way. For one person, one failure is enough to feel weak, and for another, even 1000 failures are not a hindrance to achieve their goal. And the one who wants very much-achieves everything.
4. To show yourself means to be an individual.
If you do not want to leave the house, are afraid to show yourself in public, hide from others, then this is a weakness that shows that you are giving up. You should not do this. You, on the contrary, must be someone in this world,
The energy of resentment
The evolution of marital relations