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The evolution of marital relations

1. Phase-idealization

The continuation of the phase is approximately 12-18 months.

At this moment, everything in a person seems beautiful: appearance, voice, even character flaws seem amazing. The person seems to be in a state of intoxication. During this period, in no case should you make any serious decisions, since some time will pass and a real person with his shortcomings will appear in front of you.

2. Phase-satiety

This is the first crisis when people live together and have to agree on what rules they will live by and what they expect from each other; it may turn out that people see life together in different ways, and they have different values, which can be difficult for a partner to accept.

The storm of feelings and emotions subsides, you begin to soberly assess the pros and cons of your partner. You begin to get used to each other, behave more naturally and uninhibited.

3. Phase-differences

This phase is inevitable for any long-term relationship. In the phase of differences, quarrels begin, as if you are concentrating exclusively on each other's shortcomings. The easiest and at the same time the worst way out is a breakup or divorce. What's wrong with that? You will give up a time-tested relationship and, in addition, you will soon enter into a relationship with another partner again, and everything will start all over again, from the first phase.

4. The relationship recovery phase

Quarrels and quarrels between partners happen, but they are no longer so fatal, since both know that the quarrel will end, and the relationship will be restored again. If partners make efforts to develop patience, then with patience comes wisdom. This is a law of nature. So, at this stage, the partners acquire wisdom.

5. The phase of duty or respect. This is also the first stage of love!

In fact, there was no love before that. At this stage, each partner begins to think not about what is owed to him, but about what he himself should do for his beloved person. Understanding your responsibilities develops a person.

6. Phase-friendship

You have truly become close and dear to each other. You trust each other as the closest friends. Friendship is a serious preparation for love.

7. Phase-love

True love is not easy. They go to her for a very long time. Love is taught through all sorts of life situations in long-term and close relationships. True love is not something that suddenly falls on your head, as is commonly believed. For real, adult love, a person matures, abandoning selfishness and prejudice.

People choose their own husband or wife. But to experience true love in family life, you need to get to know each other well, then make friends, and then fall in love. Many couples consider the first phase to be love. But as soon as the romance goes away, and the rose-colored glasses fall off, the first difficulties begin, the first tests of the relationship. And someone thinks that love has passed.

Loyalty and patience are the main qualities of love. If you have decided that "love is over" in your relationship, be sure that it has not yet begun.

428 05/06/2021