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Karmic relationship between a man and a woman

Let's talk about the karmic relationship between a man and a woman.

Karmic encounters are understood as the relationship between a man and a woman who knew each other in past lives and experienced deep emotions towards each other. A sign of a karmic relationship is that he or she, or maybe both, carry unresolved emotions inside themselves, such as jealousy, anger, guilt, fear, addiction or something similar. Having failed to find an outlet for their emotions once, they are attracted to each other in the next incarnation.

This is important to understand. Emotions and feelings in this case are the key point. If, as a result of a serious conflict with each other in one of the lives, the partners cherish resentment, anger, thirst for revenge, then they develop a strong karmic connection. And the stronger the negative emotion, the more trouble this connection will cause later. If, after the conflict, at least one partner forgives the second and does not attract this person emotionally anymore, then with a high degree of probability, crossing their paths in the future will not cause trouble.

The purpose of a new meeting in a new incarnation is to give each other the opportunity to resolve an urgent issue, to release the accumulated emotions. This happens by recreating the same situation for a certain period of time. Having met again, karmic partners feel an urgent need to become closer to each other, and after a while they begin to repeat their old emotional roles. The scene is now set to re-encounter the old situation and perhaps deal with it in a wiser way.

So that karmic partners do not miss each other and do not pass by in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, their meeting always has a shade of something unusual, bright, memorable and sometimes fatal. The so-called love at first sight is often a difficult karmic connection. Souls experience a great attraction and interest in each other. Sensitive people have a so-called deja vu, a feeling that it was once, that this moment was expected, they were going to it all this time.

At first, this is a passionate love. But such people, as a rule, are not at all similar to each other. Usually there are strange feelings: it seems that the person is very interesting, strongly attracted to him. But as soon as a close relationship is established, a situation of mutual understanding inevitably arises, which brings pain to both. It is difficult to break such a relationship, because there is a very strong attraction. So such relations are spinning according to the following scenario: attraction-rapprochement-conflict-distance-attraction. And the main task here for both partners is to balance the joint karma, to correct the mistakes made once by going through the situation again. And this time they have the opportunity to do the right thing.

A karmic relationship can last only a few months, or it can drag on for many years. It depends on how quickly the partners will be able to correct their mistakes. The karmic connection can be interrupted by the flight of one or both partners, but in this case the question of the karmic node remains open and sooner or later it will overtake again.

The spiritual goal of the karmic meeting for both is to make a different choice than they did in previous lives.

As long as the choice is made from the EGO, souls will incarnate and meet again and again from life to life. And only when you come out of the situation with sincere love and gratitude, you get the long-awaited freedom to pass new lessons on the path of spiritual growth and development.

379 01/06/2021