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Family, Love and Loyalty Day

{ ... } Tenderness, loyalty, love and family!!!

"The first value in Russia is the family!
Our home hearth will be warmed by loving.
My relatives will join hands,
There is no friendlier family in the world.
Joy and laughter surround us all,
And together we are waiting for an indispensable success!
Loyalty, love and smiles of hearts,
Every father dreams of this!
Every mother guards peace!
Guys appreciate the happiness that is given from above.
Everything is fine with us — that's what really matters!"

The initiative to approve the holiday-the day of matrimony, love, fidelity in honor of an Orthodox Christian couple was voiced by S. Medvedeva, the wife of the President of the Russian Federation. Fevronia and her husband Peter are an example of family relations: understanding, support, piety. Many stories have been written in their honor. According to legends, the peasant daughter Fevronia cured Prince Peter of ailments, after which they were married. Having inherited the reign, the boyars demanded that Peter leave the peasant woman. Not wanting to be separated, the family left Murom. The struggle for the throne began, as a result, the boyars had to bow down

352 01/06/2021