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Let's talk about our planet Earth

At the spiritual level, the Earth is a concentrate of energies that combine Love, Strength, Wisdom, and Purity.
At the mental level, the Earth is the product of those individuals who are the embodiment of the Earth.
At the emotional level, the planet Earth is an ordinary chaos, because the emotions of people who carry evil are strong. Now people's desires are mostly distorted, and people emit doubts, bitterness, anger into the astral, thus a network of dark radiations is formed.
And on the physical level-the body of the Earth is sick and longs for transformation, ascension to a new level.
The forces of light are tirelessly weaving a new carpet of the Earth, and a new planet will certainly rise from the ruins and accept those who are aspiring and open-hearted for a new life.
And the rest are asleep and are not ready yet for the transition to new energies. God the Creator expects each of us to participate in the creation of a new model of the Planet. Wake up and become co-Creators of a new world, a new era of love, light and unity.

596 20/06/2021