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Why you need to throw old things out of the house

"Many people do not throw away old things on purpose. For example, shoes from five years ago can be a memory of the first love. Thoughts about the past pull back, giving no place to the future. From things that bring unpleasant or incomprehensible memories "

© Zulia Radzhabova

The winner of the" Battle of Psychics " Zulia Radzhabova told the readers of her blog about the dangers that are fraught with old things in the house. It turns out that old items negatively affect the energy of the house, and also attract failures.

Psychic Zulia Radzhabova recommends that all those who want to change their lives, get rid of old things as soon as possible.

What are the dangers of old things in the house

There is a Law of Abundance, which says the following: in order for the new to come, you need to get rid of the old. Zulia Radjabova explains this law by saying that the universe will not find a place for new things and goods if your house is cluttered with old things.

Remember your thoughts when, for example, you look at your closet with old clothes that you either don't wear, or you just feel sorry to throw them away. Remember your thoughts when you look at an old car or a worn-out sofa. Usually in such cases, people think like this: "What if I don't have the money to buy a new sofa (dress, car, etc.)?".

These thoughts lead to the fact that things in the house are a dead weight, and nothing new is added. And all because the Universe sees that you already have a lot of everything: there is a shabby sofa on which you somehow sleep, there is a ramshackle car, which, of course, takes up all the space in the garage (where can I put a new one here?), there is a full wardrobe of clothes that you do not wear and store for no clear reason (and this is detrimental to your personal life and career) .

If you have an old creaky sofa for ten years, how can a new one appear if you do not want to get rid of the old one? No funds? They will definitely be found! Remember the law of Abundance given above.

508 01/06/2021