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Rubrics of Zuliya

Nature records three types of actions on our account
05/06/2021 460
Nature records three types of actions on our account
Nature records three types of actions on our account.The first type is well known to us. These are t..
Unrequited love
05/06/2021 403
Unrequited love
In fact, this is not love, but a kind of long-lasting thin-material structure that can greatly spoil..
On the path of spirituality, love is of the greatest importance
05/06/2021 430
On the path of spirituality, love is of the greatest importance
On the path of spirituality, love is of the greatest importance.Love is both the first step and the ..
The evolution of marital relations
05/06/2021 428
The evolution of marital relations
1. Phase-idealizationThe continuation of the phase is approximately 12-18 months.At this moment, eve..
12 причин, которые мотивируют нас идти вперёд
05/06/2021 443
12 причин, которые мотивируют нас идти вперёд
1. As long as we live, nothing is impossible.Life gives us complete freedom of action and opportunit..
There is no point in finding a place where you will feel good
01/06/2021 375
There is no point in finding a place where you will feel good
There is no point in finding a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create..
The energy of resentment
01/06/2021 393
The energy of resentment
Let's talk today about the energy of resentment.Resentment is an element that manifests itself on Ea..
Karmic relationship between a man and a woman
01/06/2021 379
Karmic relationship between a man and a woman
Let's talk about the karmic relationship between a man and a woman.Karmic encounters are understood ..
If you throw a rose seed into the ground
01/06/2021 315
If you throw a rose seed into the ground
If you throw a rose seed into the ground, a rose bush will grow, and then it will give beautiful and..
If it so happened that your train left
01/06/2021 367
If it so happened that your train left
If it so happened that your train left, remember - there are still planes and ships...
Gratitude is a true magic
01/06/2021 362
Gratitude is a true magic
When you thank someone, try not just to say words of gratitude, but to say them from the depths of y..
Family, Love and Loyalty Day
01/06/2021 352
Family, Love and Loyalty Day
{ ... } Tenderness, loyalty, love and family!!!"The first value in Russia is the family!Our home hea..
Create yourself anew every day
01/06/2021 383
Create yourself anew every day
Create yourself anew every day, dressing yourself with heaven and earth, washing yourself with wisdo..
Chastity is the key to success in any field
01/06/2021 392
Chastity is the key to success in any field
Chastity is the key to success in any field.The distinguishing sign of a person who has completely p..
A man does not love a Woman herself
01/06/2021 426
A man does not love a Woman herself
A man does not love the Woman herself, but his condition next to her.Therefore, a real Woman is not ..
Showing 16 to 30 of 34 (3 Pages)