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Tips from Zuliya

Not the female passions of Zulia Radzhabova
09/06/2021 515
Not the female passions of Zulia Radzhabova
Shooting is a noble sport and an exciting hobby of Zulia!"A reverent attitude accompanies the weapon..
If the egg is broken by an external force
09/06/2021 505
If the egg is broken by an external force
If the egg is broken by an external force, life stops. If the egg is broken by force from the inside..
Hair is a kind of natural antenna
09/06/2021 696
Hair is a kind of natural antenna
Hair is a kind of natural "antennas" of our body, which conduct the invisible life-giving force of s..
In our civilization, the gap separating the mind and the heart is wide and deep
09/06/2021 464
In our civilization, the gap separating the mind and the heart is wide and deep
In our civilization, the gap separating the mind and the heart is wide and deep.The mind loudly dema..
Nature records three types of actions on our account
05/06/2021 460
Nature records three types of actions on our account
Nature records three types of actions on our account.The first type is well known to us. These are t..
Conspiracies-amulets from evil people
05/06/2021 742
Conspiracies-amulets from evil people
There are a large number of charms-amulets from evil people. They are usually read before going to v..
Unrequited love
05/06/2021 403
Unrequited love
In fact, this is not love, but a kind of long-lasting thin-material structure that can greatly spoil..
On the path of spirituality, love is of the greatest importance
05/06/2021 430
On the path of spirituality, love is of the greatest importance
On the path of spirituality, love is of the greatest importance.Love is both the first step and the ..
The evolution of marital relations
05/06/2021 428
The evolution of marital relations
1. Phase-idealizationThe continuation of the phase is approximately 12-18 months.At this moment, eve..
What does it mean to see yourself in a dream?
05/06/2021 578
What does it mean to see yourself in a dream?
"Every dream warns us about something or predicts future events. That is why it is so important to a..
12 причин, которые мотивируют нас идти вперёд
05/06/2021 443
12 причин, которые мотивируют нас идти вперёд
1. As long as we live, nothing is impossible.Life gives us complete freedom of action and opportunit..
Why you need to throw old things out of the house
01/06/2021 508
Why you need to throw old things out of the house
"Many people do not throw away old things on purpose. For example, shoes from five years ago can be ..
There is no point in finding a place where you will feel good
01/06/2021 375
There is no point in finding a place where you will feel good
There is no point in finding a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create..
The energy of resentment
01/06/2021 393
The energy of resentment
Let's talk today about the energy of resentment.Resentment is an element that manifests itself on Ea..
Rules for planning the beginning, middle and end of the working day
01/06/2021 563
Rules for planning the beginning, middle and end of the working day
The work is spent as much time as it is available, or any work is performed within the allotted time..
Showing 16 to 30 of 44 (3 Pages)